The Hive, Cross Hills

Aesthetically pleasing sound absorbency delivered thanks to ReSound acoustic walls panels and printed Mellow ceiling rafts.

Located around five mile outside of Keighley in West Yorkshire, The Hive is a working showroom crafted by design and fit-out specialists Ultimate Group. The 16,000 sq ft space features cutting-edge workspace solutions from leading brands –  and as of early 2023, Creatif is proud to be one of them!

Wanting to introduce some acoustic comfort solutions into the space, Ultimate approached Creatif due to a long-standing history of successfully collaborating on workspace projects.

The majority of The Hive is open plan, allowing sound waves to travel freely through the space. This issue has been addressed using sound absorbent ceiling rafts made from Creatif’s Mellow acoustic polyester material.

The rafts are truly one-of-a-kind, thanks to their bespoke hexagonal shape with curved edges and custom printed design which features high-quality images showcasing trees and plants, designed to compliment the biophilic design elements seen throughout the space.

The rafts have been supplied at different sizes and installed at varying heights in order to add visual depth to the ceiling.

Being made from 65% recycled bottle flake, Mellow PET is an environmentally-friendly base material for acoustic solutions such as these rafts.

Every open plan workspace needs a smaller, dedicated meeting space – and The Hive offers a secluded, cosy retreat for staff behind a glazed partition.

Unfortunately smaller spaces such as this one present acoustic problems when multiple users are present or when using the space for videoconferencing. This is simply due to soundwaves reverberating within the confined area, bouncing back and forth off of hard surfaces such as walls, floors, ceilings and windows.

To eliminate this issue, two large fabric-wrapped ReSound acoustic panels have been fixed directly to the wall behind the existing wall-mounted TV.

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