Flexible Workspace Designs: The Affect of Moving Walls in Modern Work Culture

Flexible Workspace Designs: The Affect of Moving Walls in Modern Work Culture

In today’s competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is more important than ever. One key aspect that companies are focusing on to achieve this is the design and functionality of their workspaces. A well-designed office can not only create a positive work environment, but also help foster collaboration, creativity, and productivity among employees. One innovative solution that is gaining traction in modern workspace designs is the use of movable walls. These versatile partitions offer a multitude of benefits for businesses looking to create a dynamic and engaging work environment.

The Usability and Potential of Moving Walls

Moving walls, also known as operable walls or movable walls, are a flexible and cost-effective solution for optimising office space. They can be easily reconfigured to create different layouts and accommodate various functions, such as private offices, meeting rooms, or collaborative spaces.

One of the key advantages of movable walls is their ability to transform an office space into a more versatile and engaging workspace for employees. With the simple movement of a few panels on rollers and tracks, spaces can be quickly adapted to suit the needs of the workforce, whether it’s creating a quiet area for focused work, opening up a larger space for team collaboration, or segregating several meeting rooms for space efficiency.

Moreover, movable walls can also help address common spatial challenges businesses face, such as lack of privacy. For instance, Float Agile Sliding panels can provide visual and acoustic separation in the open-plan without permanently fixing the space – panels can be designed on tracks that facilitate the creation of flexible focus zones. Alternatively, fabric clad acoustic sliding panels canm be used to create a barier that absorbs sound, therefore facilitating a nice and effective acoustic environment.

Real-World Success Stories

We have worked with many companies throughout the UK and Europe to bring flexible and reconfigurable space benefits.
TBWA are a creative branding agency based in Manchester, UK. The TBWA\MCR team sought a solution that would enable staff to work as a team, or split up into pairs and work within quickly configurable zones. Working with their chosen office design & build company, Overbury, our Float Agile Sliding panel system was chosen, enabling the workforce to create areas for dedicated solo work or create larger areas for team collaboration. Check out our video and hear from Daniel Bickerton, Head of Design & Content at tbwa\mcr, to learn more as to how Float has transformed this workspace: https://creatifmovingwalls.com/tbwamcr-manchester/
Another notable example was a set of Perspective Glass Moving walls and a Solo solid-panel moving wall system installed in Leeds for Womble Bond Dickinson. Designed by ADT Workspace the centrally-located reception area is part of a large open-plan space featuring a number of tables and seating options for staff and guests. The perimeter of the space is almost entirely glass, allowing for both transfer of natural light and stunning views of the city – this includes a number of meeting rooms which feature glazed panels.
Creatif was approached for a glazed partition system that could be seamlessly integrated into the interior, allowing for reconfigurable space.
Perspective was ideal for this project with sleek profiles and concealed hinges to match those seen throughout the rest of the interior. The manifestations applied to the fixed partitions elsewhere in the space were also used on the Perspective panels, resulting in visual consistency when the system is fully closed. The system easy to operate, enabling space to be quickly opened and closed. And to provide further space flexibility, a Solo moving wall system was also installed in the middle of the space behind the glazed Perspective systems.
Read the full case study here (complete with video showing these walls in action) and some images below: https://creatifmovingwalls.com/womble-bond-dickinson-leeds/
Lastly, Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) provides affordable housing for people living in London, the South East, East Midlands and East of England. The fit out specialists at Overbury were appointed to deliver an overhaul of one of MTVH’s several Midlands-based offices located at Waterfront House in Beeston, on the outskirts of Nottingham. The project, designed by C2, required a solid partition system capable of diving the office’s central open plan space and Creatif was approached for a solution.
Creatif’s Solo system was used to create a moving wall comprising of over 20 panels, which when fully closed works in combination with two fixed walls to form a large meeting or conference space within a sizable open plan area located centrally within the building. The majority of the panels feature glazed sections which allow for the transfer of light.
A second Solo moving wall system was installed inside the larger meeting space, making it possible to create a pair of smaller spaces when required. All seven panels feature a drywipe surface on both sides, providing extra writing space for group tasks such as brainstorming sessions, or for presentations.
Read the full case study here (complete with video showing these walls in action) and some images below: https://creatifmovingwalls.com/mtvh-nottingham/

These real-world experiences serve as a testament to the effectiveness of movable walls in creating adaptable and engaging work environments that cater to the diverse needs of today’s workforce.


In conclusion, the evolving concept of flexible workspace designs plays a crucial role in modern-day work culture. Movable walls offer an innovative and versatile solution for businesses looking to create dynamic, engaging, and aesthetically appealing workspaces that attract and retain top talent. By incorporating movable walls into office designs, companies won’t only benefit from an improved overall employee experience but will also stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive business landscape.
Talk to Creatif to discuss how we can support your workspace designs, enhancing their flexibility and appeal, with the implementation of movable wall systems.
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