Fareham College Energy Hub

Mellow acoustic ceiling baffles used to reduce reverberation in an open plan educational space.

SCAPE Construct was approached by Fareham College to transform what was an old, unused sports hall located at their Bishopsfields Road Campus into a new ‘Energy Hub’.

The hub is designed for training the new T-Levels programmes and existing construction courses. The project aims to train, upskill, and develop current and future building services engineers.

With such a wide variety of tasks taking place within the space and the potential for high numbers of people to be working at the same time, Creatif was approached for an acoustic solution capable of reducing excessive reverberation.

Over 70 vertically-hung ceiling baffles made from Mellow acoustic polyester have been installed using gripple wires. They work to create acoustic comfort by absorbing soundwaves that reverberate off the wide range of reflective surfaces on display.

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