Creatif raises over £2,000 for Brake by taking on Velocity 2

We’re delighted to say that thanks to our latest fundraising effort – a white-knuckle flight in North Wales – we have now raised over £2,000 for our chosen charity, Brake.

Creatif team members Steve Sawyer, Matthew Spencley and Kirsty Ripo recently learned what it would feel like to fly when they tackled the Velocity 2 zip line.

Situated over Penrhyn Quarry in north Wales, the zip line is the fastest in the world, where those brave enough to tackle it can reach speeds of up to 120mph, all while whizzing across what was the world’s largest slate quarry.

The intrepid trio all took on the task to raise money for Brake, as part of Creatif’s year-long fundraising partnership with the road safety charity. Thanks to their bravery, the total amount Creatif has raised so far stands at over £2,000. If you’d like to chip in and help support this fantastic charity, please get in touch.

Next up is the slightly less thrilling but arguably more arduous London 10k. Keep checking back for updates and maybe even a Rocky-style training montage when we’re a little closer to the start line!

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